Category: By Green Team Feb 02
Community gardens like the 7th Avenue Community Garden in Long Branch can provide a wide range of benefits to both the gardeners and the broader community. Beyond providing access to land, Community Gardens can offer technical support and build community connections that move beyond the garden fence. They can also offer the opportunity to educate the community about environmentally friendly gardening practices and provide a source of fresh local produce to local food banks and feeding programs.  Our Community Garden is open from June thru September and information can be obtained from the Office of Community & Economic Development, 732-923-2040. We seek your feedback on what kinds of offerings would enhance the value that the garden provides to the community such as the ones mentioned at the bottom of the page. Why is it important? Food in the United States travels an average of 13,000 miles from farm to fork, and much of this food spoils during transit. Eating locally produced food ... View more
Please select the ideas that you think we should work on and use the comments section below to add your own suggestions.

Improve awareness of the garden in the community
27 votes
Allow unattended access before / after business hours
13 votes
Provide community education on environmentally friendly gardening practices
23 votes
Establish a garden compost program for members of the garden
27 votes
Add drip irrigation
17 votes
Allow gardeners to share responsibility with the city for managing the garden
17 votes