Category: By Green Team Jan 18
During 2020, the Green Team conducted a Bicycle/Pedestrian Audit of the Long Branch Historic Trail which runs from the Church of the Presidents to Seven Presidents Park, including the full extent of the boardwalk. Numerous opportunities to improve safety and enhance the overall experience of both bikers and pedestrians were documented and turned over to the City of Long Branch.  The next step in the process is to use the audit as a baseline for development of a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan which includes not only the Historic Trail but all main roads and pathways in Long Branch.  The plan is an essential component of building healthy communities that support active living. People in communities throughout New Jersey are increasingly searching for solutions to tight family budgets, rising health care costs, and time wasted in traffic. As transportation costs and congestion increase, walking and bicycling will continue to grow in importance.  Bicycling and walking are viabl... View more