Category: Waste Management By Green Team Dec 15
Encourage the municipality to develop and implement a comprehensive Recycling and Waste Reduction Education and Compliance Strategy aimed at increasing the quantity and quality of recycling materials collected from residents, while reducing the amount of solid waste they generate. To do so, the municipality must formulate the strategy, enact a municipal recycling ordinance that incorporates compliance measures, conduct regular inspections and take a series of steps to educate the public on why and how to reduce waste and improve the quantity and quality of recycling. Why is it important? In order for New Jersey to achieve its statutory recycling goals of 50% of the municipal solid waste stream (MSW) and 60% of the total solid waste stream (TSW), municipalities must achieve greater participation rates. In addition, quality is as important as quantity. The shift toward single stream recycling has increased the quantity of recycling collections, but has resulted in a loss of their value... View more