Category: Sustainability & Climate Planning - Community Sustainability Plan By Green Team Dec 15
A “Sustainable Community Plan” sets goals for the future that help communities realize a vision, uses indicators to track progress towards these goals, and includes action plans that have roles for government, citizens, businesses, schools, and civic organizations. Such plan is created through a dialogue that incorporates local residents’ desires for the future and an understanding of the impact every community has on regional and global sustainability issues such as sprawl and global warming. The plan should also include a vision statement and a comprehensive set of goals for becoming a sustainable community, indicators to track progress toward each goal and targets for achievement, in addition to action plans.  Once goals and targets have been identified, actions answer the question of “How will we get there?” Action steps are the programs, policies, and projects that will be adopted to achieve the goals set by the Sustainable Community Plan. Sustainable Community Plan vs.... View more