Category: Brownfields By Green Team Dec 14
The Inventory component of this action requires the municipality to compile a list of brownfield sites obtained through publicly available information and research. Using this data, the municipality must produce an inventory spreadsheet and brief descriptions of how the inventory list was developed and verified. In addition, the municipality can create a list of prioritized sites and description of the criteria used for prioritization.  Why is it important?  A Brownfield Inventory is an important land use tool. Once remediated, brownfields can improve the local economy, increase the municipal tax base, address environmental contamination, and provide public green space, effecting positive change to a once blighted and/or underutilized area. Cleaning up and reinvesting in brownfield properties can provide job opportunities, take advantage of underutilized but available infrastructure, and lessen development pressures on greenfields and other undeveloped lands. An EPA-sponsored study... View more