Category: Arts & Creative Culture By Green Team Dec 14
We all know of places that are inspiring to visit, or are great places to live, because of some quality linked to creative vitality. Great places for the arts do not happen by accident. They are built and maintained by many people, who through their leadership, work to make the place what it is. There is an increasing body of knowledge that firmly establishes the link between the arts, creativity and positive outcomes for communities. Research suggests that both the image and the social fabric of a town can be improved with well-thought-out investments in arts and culture. How is it that some communities seem to have the advantage in terms of creative energy? And is there anything that you can do, in your community, to initiate and support this kind of action? Having a Creative Team is one of the best first steps towards making sustainable places that are better because of the arts, and better for the arts. Creative Teams are made up of people who choose to become leaders for arts an... View more