Category: Brownfields By Green Team Oct 14
This action encourages the municipality to assess and investigate properties with suspected or actual contamination to position them for remedial action and redevelopment. To accomplish this goal the municipality must contract with Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (LSRP) and submit proof of completion of Preliminary Assessments (PA): Site Investigations (SI): and/or Remedial Investigation (RI) reports.  Why is it important?  Have you ever noticed the old, dilapidated and abandoned properties strewn throughout your municipality? Do you wonder why nothing has ever been done to rid your town of these eyesores? These old properties you drive by every day may be considered brownfields. A brownfield is an underutilized or vacant commercial or industrial property that is potentially contaminated.  Because brownfield sites have had prior development – focusing redevelopment efforts on these sites takes advantage of existing infrastructure and reduces deve... View more