Category: By Sean DiBartolo Jan 09
On January 7th, a composting vendor (Java's Compost) gave a presentation to the Environmental Commission, members of Sustainable Verona, and members of the public.  The idea they presented was to bring accessible and reliable composting to more residents of Verona.  Basically, they indicated that anything that you would put on your dinner plate to eat (food scraps, bones, egg shells, etc.), could be accepted as compost material. The goal would be to enable people to compost about 1/3 of their waste, and, if they wanted, get nutrient rich soil in return to use on their property.  On a larger scale over the long term, if a great deal of people are interested, the program could eventually reduce Verona's garbage tonnage, which could make the program more cost effective to those interested residents.  At that point, we could start seeing a town-wide composting pickup program that could be subsidized by the Town because our taxes would no longer be paying for as much garbage removal wi... View more