Category: Municipal Services By Joseph Kostecki Oct 17
During the summer months of 2018 and 2019, the Borough revised the trash collection schedule to twice per week, and the recycling pick up schedule to weekly - rather than every other week.
The weekly collection does not see an increase in garbage volume, and therefore the additional costs are vehicle, fuel, maintenance, and the purchase of a vehicle ($275,000) earlier due to twice as much use.

Here are some figures that do not include general maintenance:

2017: (With no additional collection)
  • Repairs: $8,103
  • Fuel: $9,433.17 
  • Dumping fees: $120,000
2018 (with additional collection)
  • Repairs $12,731
  • Fuel: $13,026
  • Dumping Fees: $105,000
2019 (with additional collection)
  • Repairs: $15,145
  • Fuel: Estimated $13,000
  • Dumping Fees: Estimated $120,000-140,000
The question is: Do we return to trash collection to twice per week during the summer months? (if so, vote yes) . If not, Vote no