Category: By Apr 03
ArtIt is said to be an art as it involves the growth, development and management of crop and animal husbandry. It requires patience and dedication to yield good results in this field and only someone who possesses this art can achieve it.ScienceThe knowledge of breeding and genetics is employed to come up with new improved methods of agriculture. Several inventions and explorations are being made in the field. It is ever evolving and thus qualifies as science.CommerceAgriculture supports the economy like no other sector and thus undoubtedly falls in this category too.ConclusionWith around two-third of the Indian population dependent directly or indirectly on agriculture, it is considered to be the basis of the country’s economic development. It is not just known to be a source of livelihood in India but a way of life.ArtIt is said to be an art as it involves the growth, development and management of crop and animal husbandry. It requires patience and dedication to yield good results ... View more