Category: Other By Jeff Rosenberg Oct 11

Get rid of the Monday Workshop Meetings. It's tough enough getting people to a Tuesday meeting, or for them to watch it on TV - adding this second night is one more meeting that people will not see.

Then you go to the Tuesday meeting and they vote on what was discussed the night before. No one knows what they are talking about.

We're getting better in the broadcasting of all the town’s Board and Committee meetings, but there are some that have been deemed "not that important" and are not broadcast. All should be broadcast. Why not? Get a HS kid to operate the equipment as internship credits or community service. Won't cost us anything.

Everyone talks about Downtown Redevelopment. Why can't we broadcast the BID meetings?

With the township website - meeting minutes and agendas, and all events on the calendar are not always up to date. They should be.