Category: Public Safety By Jeff Rosenberg Oct 11
The bad roads are Meisel, S. Springfield, Shunpike, Milltown and Mountain. They are used as cut throughs from Rt. 22 to I-78. Yes, they are County and/or State roads, but each entity passes the buck to the other. Obviously, trucks can't be outlawed because local businesses need deliveries. But we can make it tougher. Let's offer a compromise. Exceptions for trucks making in-town deliveries (which likely would only be a tiny percentage). Maybe a traffic study? Maybe limited hours for truck traffic where it would less disruptive to residents and traffic. Put signs up - limit weights? If coming down these roads start to become a "hassle: with limited time periods, etc., drivers may choose to to take Liberty Ave. or other routes. That's called organic change. It would happen naturally. But to start, an effort needs to be made. Not just asking the Freeholders, because they pass the buck - but to go to DOT, state, and press the County. Passing the buck should not be... View more