Category: By Robert Moore Oct 02
President Trump’s UN speech threatening the “total destruction” of North Korea has led to a dramatic escalation of cascading tensions and counter-threats. North Korea subsequently has threatened to do an atmospheric H-Bomb test and to shoot down American aircraft like those that just flew near their border. They actually shot down a US aircraft in 1969, so this should not be taken as an idle threat. Through miscalculation and foreclosing options to de-escalate, such a war of words could well escalate into actual war, even nuclear war. Commenting on these developments, retired four-star General Barry McCaffrey recently estimated the chances of the current cycle of escalation leading to nuclear war at one to two percent! When it comes to the danger of nuclear holocaust, it would be such an unimaginable catastrophe that we can’t accept even such low odds! Now is the time to urgently de-escalate and engage in diplomacy, not bombastic threats of war! Click... View more