Category: By Jon Whiten Sep 25
In late 2009, the lame duck legislature allowed New Jersey’s temporary income tax surcharge on the state’s wealthiest households to expire. Since then, the governor has vetoed numerous attempts by the legislature to make the Garden State’s income tax structure more equitable. The result: the state forfeited between $4.2 billion and $7 billion in revenue between 2010 and 2016 – further enriching the state’s top earners while cutting property tax relief for middle-class homeowners, increasing public transit fares and raising tuitions at the state’s public colleges to unaffordable levels. Other states have not made these mistakes. In recent years, states like California, Minnesota, Maine and New York have enacted or extended substantial income tax increases on their wealthiest households, generating tens of billions of dollars between them to pay for schools, health care and more.  And despite the doomsday cries that raising taxes at th... View more