Category: By Gina Genovese Sep 17
The New Jersey Pension system is out of control! Several studies have shown that our state’s public pension system is in the worst shape of any state in the nation with more than $135 billion in unfunded liabilities. Some estimates have New Jersey spending 5 billion annually on pensions by 2021. This is why we need to reform the pension system before it destroys our State’s economy. My plan to reform pensions would: ●     Tie pensions to lifetime salary levels NOT last 1-3 years which encourages pension padding. ●     Require full retirement from Local, County and State employment before pensions are paid.  No active employees will receive pensions. ●     Eliminate pensions for professional service contractors, lobbyists and consultants. ●     Increase minimum salary amount for inclusion in pension and health care systems to $20K. ●     Reassess ... View more