Category: By Seth Kaper-Dale Sep 15
NJ Single Payer Medicare for All would provide first-rate health care for all New Jerseyans and would save the state, local municipalities, businesses and individuals, billions of dollars. It is the single change most able to transform this state. There is a growing awareness in America that the health care we receive is managed by an unnecessary and ridiculously expensive middle-manager — the health insurance industry. As long as that industry is calling the shots Americans will be paying far too much for our health care. NJ Single Payer Improved and Expanded Medicare is about Care, not Insurance. The cost of the state of NJ running its own health care program is projected to bring down costs to employers, and to employees, in dramatic ways. After eliminating insurance payments, an increase in payroll taxes (6% on the employer side, 2% on the employee) could put this program into effect immediately. This plan would have no deductibles, no co-pays, no premiums and would mean t... View more