Category: By Pete Rohrman Jul 23
Do you have any idea how much money you are forced to pay New Jersey, your county, and municipality?  There are major taxes and fees you pay directly to the government, and hundreds of more taxes you pay via pass through. Most people don’t realize how much the state, county, and local governments take from you: an estimated $20,350 for the average household income in NJ, which is approximately $70,000/year.  If you make more than $70k/year, they tax you even more. New Jersey is one of the highest taxed states in the union, not because our state provides better or more services for its citizens than other states, but as a result of waste and corruption.  New Jersey can operate on a lot less – your current elected officials want you to believe otherwise so they can divert funds in ways that benefit THEMSELVES. The solution to this extreme taxation is Fiscal Democracy. In a true democracy, every person votes on laws and conducts the public business. ... View more