Category: By Israel Teitelbaum Jul 18
New Jersey must join with other states and legalize school choice for all public school students. School choice allows public education funds to follow a child to a school chosen by the parents. These funds — substantially less than current costs but sufficient to pay for a quality education at nonpublic schools — are made available to every parent in the form of a voucher that can be cashed only by a qualified school. By legalizing school choice, NJ would be expanding successful legislation like The Washington, D.C., Opportunity Scholarship Program. This program only gives vouchers valued at $8,000 to $12,000, instead of  $29,409, the average per-student cost for the D.C. public schools, but students using the vouchers have a graduation rate of 91 percent compared to 70 percent for those in D.C.’s public schools. At a time of runaway taxation, School choice legislation would ensure quality education for half the cost of public education. But most important... View more