Category: Planning & Permits By Inez Dickens Jul 11
Montclair has had a couple of properties developed through the PILOT program (payment in lieu of taxes). Do we have a clear understanding of the “real” benefits of this program?   Through OPRA (Open Public Records Act), I filled out a Government Records Request Form and I was able to get the financial arrangement between the town and the hotel in progress at 638 Bloomfield Avenue. As per this arrangement:   • The current real estate taxes generated by the previously vacant property are $11,257.20 [Page 2(D)] whereas the project is estimated to generate revenues for the Township ranging from $211,000 to $337,000 annually during the first 10 years [Page 2(E)]. This sounds good. • However, the hotel has a fall back clause regarding the aforementioned incremental revenue [Page 5XIX]: If the hotel does not produce the estimated taxes of $211,000-$337,000, their lowest payable amount will be $11,250.27. I pay more than that on my 3-fam... View more