Category: By Murray Sabrin Jul 06
The New Jersey state income tax experiment has been a colossal failure. For suburban homeowners who supposedly were going to get property tax relief with the introduction of the state income tax 40 years ago, the fiasco has been monumental. There has been no property tax relief. In fact, the opposite has happened. That’s a fact that cannot be ignored or swept under the rug. In 1976, the Democratic Governor Byrne passed an income tax at 2% for income below $20,000 and at 2.5% for income over $20,000 (the modern day equivalent of about $87,400). Ever since, the rates have risen consistently, getting up to 8.97% for the highest income level. New Jersey should abolish this invasive tax and join the 7 other states who don’t have a state income tax (these seven states are Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming). We need a New Jersey where free enterprise thrives, all levels of government are limited in their power over the people and we crea... View more