Category: By Joe Russell Jun 28
As reported by State Impact: "About one-third of the Delaware River Basin, in New York and Pennsylvania, lies above Marcellus Shale natural gas deposits. In May of 2009, DRBC executive director Carol Collier issued an “Executive Director Determination” that all natural gas production activity in the basin needed to be reviewed by the Commission. Collier was concerned about the water withdrawals needed for drilling as well as the impact on water quality from the drilling practice known as “hydraulic fracturing,” or fracking. In May 2010 the five Commissioners voted unanimously to hold off on any decisions regarding drilling in the Basin until new regulations were adopted." The Delaware River provides drinking water to about 15 million people in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. Those of us who care about the environmental integrity of our drinking water are asking the Delaware River Basin Commission to permanently ban fracking in the b... View more