Category: By Doug O'Malley Jun 14
The people of New Jersey deserve cleaner air and good paying jobs in the clean energy sector. The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative – better known as RGGI, provides precisely these benefits. As the climate changes, we can no longer afford to be on the wrong side of history, for the sake of our children and our communities! Background: RGGI is an auction-like system designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by selling and trading carbon dioxide emission credits to mega-polluters, such as large power plants. The proceeds of these auctions are then used to fund energy-efficient programs, renewable-energy projects and direct bill assistance. See RGGI. RGGI was established in 2005 by the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont, but Governor Christie withdrew from the initiative back in 2011. The New Jersey State Legislature’s attempts to re-enter the agreement were met with Governor... View more