Category: By Doug O'Malley Jun 14
The transportation sector is the largest source of greenhouse‐gas emissions. Accelerating electric car adoption is critical to New Jersey’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gases and other harmful emissions, enhance the emerging green economy, comply with mandates to sell zero‐emission vehicles, reduce transportation costs, and diversify New Jersey’s primary energy supply beyond petroleum. For this to happen, we need clear guidelines on how and where electric charging systems should be built. We also need to prepare for the implications the advent of electric cars will have for the power grid. Furthermore, we need to ensure that the benefits of electric vehicles reach people of all income levels. Lastly, we need to move more aggressively on clean power generation. New Jersey has the opportunity to realize the benefits electric cars represent, but only with proactive planning and policies. It is time to make NJ a regional leader in Electric Vehicle (EV) adoption. We... View more