Category: By Robert Moore Jun 14

Bill for Mental Health Professionals, A.2938, is moving through the NJ Legislature and was recently voted out of the Assembly floor. Introduced by Assemblywoman Patricia Egan Jones from Camden and Gloucester, the bill passed 45-24, with 6 absences and 5 abstentions, and with limited floor discussion. 

The bill, A.2938, expands “the duty to warn and protect” for licensed mental health providers, requiring them to report patient information to the local municipal police if the professional determines that the patient poses a threat or harm to self or others. It gives the authority to the Attorney General to seize a firearm if specific conditions are met.

The bill was introduced last year, on 2/16/16. It moved through the Assembly Law & Public Safety, and on 9/22/16, it was voted out along party lines. We expect the bill will be assigned to the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee and that a hearing will be held.

Read more about the bill here.