Category: By Robert Moore Jun 14
It is critical that there be a voter verified paper ballot to recount or audit. We urge the New Jersey Legislature pass an appropriations bill to fund the purchase of precinct-based optical scan voting technology, which would effectively implement the existing laws requiring a voter verified paper audit trail and an audit. Optical scan voting technologies use an optical scanner to read marked paper ballots and tally the results. • NJ is one of just five remaining states (along with Louisiana, Georgia, South Carolina, and Delaware) that still uses paperless electronic voting machines (DREs), even though they have been judged to be insecure and unreliable because computerized voting equipment is subject to programming error, equipment malfunction, and malicious tampering. • The integrity of the vote has become an important public issue, following the 2016 election. Numerous studies have documented the failures and weaknesses of DREs, and Princeton Professor Andrew Appel dem... View more