Category: By Robert Moore Jun 14
H.R. 38 would force every state to recognize concealed carry permits issued by any other state. This proposal would infringe on New Jersey’s ability to take the steps necessary to protect its own citizens and public safety. According to The Star Ledger, New Jersey has more stringent concealed carry laws than many other states: it requires residents to show a “justifiable need” in order to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Do not let Congress render New Jersey’s law irrelevant. Many supporters of H.R. 38 believe that concealed carry permit holders are always law-abiding, stable citizens who should be trusted to carry loaded, concealed handguns in public. They are wrong. Research from the Violence Policy Center (VPC) shows that individuals with permits to carry concealed handguns frequently perpetrate murders, suicides, and even mass shootings — and all too often their guns are accessed by children who kill themselves or others in tragic unintenti... View more