Category: By Patty Cronheim Jun 14

In January 2016, NJ Assemblyman Tim Eustace introduced a bill to require 80% of energy in NJ to come from renewable energy by 2050. The bill comes at a critical moment for the state, as we’re poised to move to a clean energy future.

Already there are more than 30,000 installations of solar power in industrial, commercial, academic, and residential settings.

And a recent Fairleigh Dickinson University PublicMind poll showed that 87% of voters think renewable energy is important to the health of the state.

But in the last few years, we’ve fallen behind under a governor who’s supported fossil fuels and ignored clean energy.

A clean energy future for New Jersey promises:

• Cleaner air and water and an overall healthier environment
• Lower greenhouse gas emissions
• More jobs

Support this important legislation today!

Please visit to learn more.