Category: Other By Scott Pollack May 21
Watchung Plaza is a unique business district. It's the only one of 5 Biz districts that has a Park. And the Park can improve and become a more valuable asset to the community. Creating a SID that is authorized by State Law and created by Township ordinance will leverage the Village resources and improve economic development in Watchung Plaza and the township. I've lived 2 blocks off the Plaza for 25 years and founded a business there 12 years ago. Watchung Station, with its Park, the mom and pop shops and quaintness, is begging for a little love. The SID will provide a healthier economic climate and leverage our resources. Mini Farmers markets on Mon and Thurs, Film festival, Art in the Park, Live music. Merchants will be able to show off their wares to folks as they come and go from the Train Station. We’d like to see the Plaza have a little more eye appeal, a little more value with commerce. The SID is designed to work a little like a mall whereby the manager can supp... View more