Category: Taxes & Economy By Frank Rubacky May 09
Lackawanna Plaza Redevelopment has shifted from a Township project to a 4th Ward project. It is wedded to an increasingly unrealistic anchor concept to meet a hyper-local services issue. In short, it is being encumbered more and more; and that limits realizing the broader opportunities. The self-imposed timing pressure is just one example. Urgency should not be the priority. While a new supermarket is desirable and should be a highly encouraged use, the absence of traditional, full service supermarket should not be a deal-breaker. Further, no desired use should exert a level of influence that causes the appropriate time & process steps to be circumvented. Redevelopment is not a goal, it is a strategy. We need to remind ourselves of our goals when we set out on this path and not lose our focus or allow distractions. A major community-wide obstacle is mobility. Convenience and access are metrics of mobility. We believe mobility increases economic activity. None of our redevelopment p... View more