Category: Planning & Permits By Frank Rubacky Mar 23
This Monday the Planning Board will hold a public hearing on amending Montclair’s Master Plan for the Montclair Center (MC) & Bay Street areas. This is an important public input part of the process to better align land uses and to streamline zoning. There is a clear and unquestioned need for this and Montclair Center is an appropriate priority. The rest of Montclair will be addressed sequentially at future, undetermined points. The planned result of applying these newly created zones and land uses (e.g. the new C3 zones) to Montclair Center is that the same scheme will be applied to other zones throughout town that are principally residential and office zones. I think this approach is flawed because it reflects a planning bias based on a downtown-centric focus and an over application of our standardization objective. A better approach would embrace a two-part land use & zoning scheme that separates the needs of and solutions for the Montclair Center (MC) & Bay Street from t... View more