Category: Planning & Permits By Frank Rubacky Mar 07
The Williams-Sonoma Building at 630 Valley Road is a landmark building in the Upper Montclair Historic Business District. The building has become a major telecommunications site with space leased to Sprint, T-Mobile and others. Their wireless & GPS antennas and related equipment, cables & conduits sprout from the rooftop, parapets and down the facades. T-Mobile's current application to add 3 more wireless antennas and related equipment was reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission and has now moved before the Zoning Board next week. The primary purpose of these municipal reviews is to minimize the impact of the installation to the area’s appearance and ensure compliance with our local telecommunication ordinance. The attached photographs show the ordinance and reviews have not been effective, both overall and in the protection of a key contributing building in one of our historic districts. The Zoning Board and HPC can be more demanding of these applicants, but... View more