Category: Taxes & Economy By Frank Rubacky Feb 17
In the last 3 years, the school levy has increased 4% annually. This has resulted in approximately a cumulative tax increase of $1,400 to an average household. We have another large shortfall to make up, but have some flexibility to go above the 2% State mandated cap. How much above is not clear yet. Superintendent Bolandi stated recently that Montclair Public Schools are overstaffed and we also need to redirect funding from boutique programs and special (not Special Ed), unproductive courses to proven curriculum and core needs. He believes by redirecting this funding, the Montclair Public Schools can maintain the overall quality of public education and improve the quality in many of our agreed upon priorities. Due to the condensed budget review process this year, the introduction of the first budget is late, Feb 27th. It will be passed to the County by March 13th. It would help if the BOE had an indication of the support from the community. Your vote, either way, will help them unders... View more