Category: Culture & Recreation By Andrew Pincus Nov 30
Montclair is recognized as an art-friendly community, but there is little to show for it in town. A few craft shows and an isolated sculpture in the park. What gives? At the same time, residents blister at the non-aesthetic monstrosities being planned and erected throughout the downtown area. No, we can’t return Montclair to the small-town charm it once had, but we can move forward in tandem with developers and install visually stimulating works of art in our public spaces. Towns which have invested in public art programs say they serve to increase rents, act as a magnet for tourism, educate and inspire their residents, and stimulate creativity in the workplace and in their schools. Log onto Pinterest and search “Public Art.” Some pretty cool stuff, including those sampled above. How ‘bout a globe with an illuminated message in the center of the traffic circle at Valley and Church instead of that busted old fountain? Some Tetris blocks in the alley between Bellevue and the p... View more