Category: Other By Nov 02
The problem is that many Montclair retail spaces are vacant, and many that are occupied are simply unsightly. Two-pronged proposal: 1) Require store owners in selected "retail zones" to meet certain requirements regarding lighting, awnings, signage, display window, etc. in effort to improve town's aesthetic appeal and attract shoppers. Vacant spaces must also meet certain requirements. Windows should be covered with appropriate signage so that inside renovation work or idle equipment left by prior tenant cannot be viewed. Examples of the problem are Red Mango on Church Street and several vacant spaces on Bloomfield between Park and Elm. 2) Because so many Montclair small business owners are first-time retail operators, a group can be organized to offer free advice about more cost-effective and eye-catching signage, lighting, awnings, window decoration, etc. While a lot of thought often goes into what to sell, more needs to be done to make spaces more inviting to shoppers. Mo... View more