Category: Education By Ben Freundlich Nov 13
While the rule is well intentioned, Montclair High School should repeal its prohibition on allowing freshmen to eat off campus. It makes sense that the school would like to see the freshmen adjust to high school without some of the privileges of the upperclassmen. But the ban on freshmen going off campus for lunch should be done away with for two reasons. First, it is impractical to carry out; it is a near impossibility for school security to check if all students going off campus are not freshmen. Second, it is not consistent with the privileges the school already affords freshmen. Many freshmen ride the bus on their own to school; if they are allowed to do this, then they should be afforded the responsibility to leave campus for lunch. We are adamantly opposed to students using off campus lunch as an excuse to skip class, but we feel that the off campus lunch ban should be done away with.