What Makes PLANETCIVIC Different?

PLANETCIVIC differs from other social media platforms in important ways:

1. We're local and specific to New Jersey:
The initiatives you start in PLANETCIVIC must address the laws, policies and problems of NJ, or your NJ municipality. Why? Because local civic engagement is where you can make a real and immediate difference.

2. We insist on accountability - real names and addresses:
PLANETCIVIC users must register using their real names and a verifiable place of residency in order to prevent false votes or fake identities. Why? We only want real NJ residents, who will be impacted by the outcome of an initiative, to be able to vote and participate in the public debate.

3. A vote means more in PLANETCIVIC:
Members of PLANETCIVIC cannot "like" every initiative they come across. With a limited number of active votes permitted at any time, our members must prioritize the issues that matter most to them, which helps PLANETCIVIC identify the true priorities of a population.

4. Officials in public office register as "Leaders":
Making it possible for members to identify and engage with the people who can make a difference to their cause.

5. There's power in a top ranking:
Using PLANETCIVIC, you can, for example, demonstrate that your cause is the top educational priority of PLANETCIVIC NJ members, or that your idea has received the most votes in the system. The ten initiatives with the most votes are automatically published on PLANETCIVIC NJ's home page, reflecting the top concerns of NJ residents.